Pet projects ordered by creation date
coverage-tree-next: Visualize dependency tree of typescript based project
ts-tree-cli: CLI to get file tree on typescript based project
ts-tree: Creates a module tree based on a given entrypoint
cjs2mjsExport: Convert CommonJS export to ESM export
generic-include: Bundle text based files into one
default2namedExport: Convert default export to named export
enum2union: Convert Enums to Union types
css-modules-migration: Experiment with migrattion from css to css-modules
GitHub action which create PR with update of version of package after automated commit
export monobank data to different sources
GitHub action which create commit with update of coverage metrics
Visualize result of GitHub action
duplicated-css-selectors: Find duplicated css selectors
live-lyrics-linux-electron: Shows lyric of songs from any music player which use dbus
ngx-yolka: order according to fucking “yolochka” style
snedvigimost-front: Master’s thesis - real estate website frontend
snedvigimost-back: Master’s thesis - real estate website backend
chdtu-lab/etpr: Helper for discrete math
react-venn-selectable: React venn.js wrapper
ghtopdep: CLI tool for sorting dependents repo by stars
bookmarks-parser Parses Firefox/Chrome HTML bookmarks files
forkwork Search living repository by fork
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Create groups of repositories · community · Discussion #41348
[Projects Beta] Sort by “last updated”, “created” · community · Discussion #8518